Common Reedbuck

The southern reedbuck, sometimes known as the common reedbuck, is a medium-sized antelope that thrives in wet environments, such as floodplains. The reedbuck’s long neck and body, strong legs, and robust hindquarters set it apart from other antelope species.

Usually small, strongly ridged, and bent forward, rams’ horns are unique among mammals. The colour ranges from a somewhat yellowish brown to a more neutral grey brown. The belly will be nearly pure white, while the throat and chest will be a greyish white.

Although the reedbuck and the impala are often mistaken for one another, the reedbuck’s lack of the three black stripes on the impala’s hindquarters and the impala’s considerably redder colouring make the it the more distinguishable of the two.

The mountain reedbuck differs from its plains counterpart in size and coloration. Undoubtedly, the reedbuck’s environment is distinctive, as its name suggests, and it prefers the slopes of mountains.

Common reedbuck are water reliant and can only be found in large numbers near water sources. They typically appear in couples, although bigger herds, especially during the colder months, are possible.

When they sense danger, they will lay low, even lowering their heads, and will only flee a hunter at the very last second. In typical White-tail Deer manner, they will produce a loud whistle-like danger call before darting away with the white undersides of their bellies on display.

Hunters often target reedbuck for their meat because it is often considered to be among the best-tasting venison in the country.

To hunt a Common Reedbuck, you’ll need a special permit because as they are on the list of TOPS, or endangered, species.

Like the waterbuck, common reedbuck are water dependent, so that hunting for reedbuck typically takes place in or near bodies of water. Very often, a reedbuck won’t run very far before stopping, providing the hunter a good chance at a successful shot.

In the Eastern Cape of South Africa, Common Reedbuck are not subject to any seasonal limitations within protected areas.

Nighttime and the later hours of the day are prime grazing times for reedbuck. They like to take shelter from the sun by spending the day dozing off in the thick grass or reed beds.

As they flee from danger, they often run with their tails up and their white undersides exposed, making a rocking horse motion. When hunting reedbuck, any good deer rifle will do. Seven millimetres, or .270, is plenty powerful. When hunting in Africa, excellent ammunition is essential.

The target area will be roughly one-third of the way into the body, straight up the front leg. A high heart shot will be the most impactful and ensure that your reedbuck won’t get too far.

It is also recommended to aim for the lower portion of the animal, just above the front shoulder, which will deliver a lethal shot to the chest. Take care to avoid high-risk areas like the head and neck as you don’t want to ruin your trophy.

Shoulder height for your Common Reedbuck trophy should be about 37 inches, weight about 140 pounds, and horn length should be about 12 inches.

A Common Reedbuck must have at least a 21 on the Safari Club International’s grading scale. Each horn’s length plus the base’s circumference equals the SCI score.

The reedbuck family, which also includes the mountain reedbuck and the Vaal rhebok, is a popular target in South Africa.

Shooting all three types of reedbucks is called the reedbuck slam. The Eastern Cape is home to all three types of reedbuck.

Although common reedbuck are quick to emerge from the cover of tall grass or reeds, they rarely sprint very far before pausing, providing ample chance for a hunter to get a shot off.

Hunt24 is renowned for its professional hunters’ expertise and access to prime common reedbuck hunting sites. We offer a thrilling quest for the common reedbuck that ends with a beautiful trophy.

South Africa’s Limpopo, Free State, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and Zululand provinces are all prime regions in which we go on hunts for the common reedbuck.
